The Human Energy Body - AuraEveryone is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, and this field is called an aura. The aura has been depicted throughout history
I have been told I have a green aura. What does this mean? I know what a Aura is. But what does the colour green aura indicate?
Red - Red can mean anger and physical energy, if the color is a dark red as if crimson red this can mean high sexual drive and a more scarlet color red will actually .
Do You know what this aura color and all the other aura colors mean? Find out now! What does your Green Aura mean? The green aura has a beautiful, organic feel to it - well at least in its' positive aspect .
See your aura Part 1 - What is aura Part 2 - Eye exercises Part 3 - Watching auras Part 4 - Improving auras Kirlian or not? Aura - conscious control
Aura, Colors of the Aura, What does the aura mean? What do the aura colors mean? . . .
What does a turquoise aura symbolize? ChaCha Answer: A turquoise aura shows dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, c.
New Age Cafe- tarot, aura, spells and charms, crystals, journalling,angels, sacred time.
Oranges are the daredevils and risk takers of does yellow aura mean the aura spectrum.
THE YELLOW GROUP: In this group of astral colors seen in the human aura we find as many varieties as we do in the red group. Yellow, denoting intellect, has many .
Aura color meanings: learn what the aura is, changes in the aura, aura clensing,
typically they denote some sort of no parking, whether it be an unload does yellow aura mean only area or otherwise. They put them so you don't block important things, or some times its .
URL, Jargon Buster - What Does URL Mean? What is a URL? Also includes URI Uniform Resource Identifier
THE WHITE GROUP: White is the astral color of Pure Spirit, as we have seen, and its presence raises the degree of the other colors, and renders them clearer.
A selection of articles related to Aura and Auras: What is Aura? What is Aura Cleansing and What happens during an Aura Cleansing
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