Looking for links? Leftist parties of the World . the entire spectrum of groups which consider themselves to be leftist or have origins in leftist movements.
This is a list of countries, past and present, that declared themselves socialist either in their list former communist countries names or their constitutions. No other criteria are used; thus, some .
Com�mu�nist (k m y-n st) n. 1. a. A member of a Marxist-Leninist party. b. A supporter of such a party or movement. 2. A Communard. 3. often communist A radical .
A list of the current and former Communist countries who have killed almost 150 million of their own citizens!
More on Communist Countries Past and Present from Infoplease: Homework Center: World - Subjects � Geography � History � Language Arts � Mathematics � .
Capital: Beijing Population: 1,330,040,000 GDP per capita: $6,100 Life Expectancy: 73.18 years Languages: Standard Chinese or Mandarin (Putonghua, based on the .
Transparency International's annual list of the most corrupt countries has Somalia as the worst for the fifth straight year, joined by newcomer North Korea.
I was taking a look at a list of countries ordered by suicide rate ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cou
Regardless of its theological status, Communism is classified as a religion in the sociological sense. Note that this list only includes countries which currently .
Revolutionary socialism based on the list former communist countries theories of the political philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, emphasizing common ownership of the means of production .
List of Former Soviet Union Countries . World Photo Quiz Test your knowledge of world trivia and current affairs.
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